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9 months program


International space


Challenge, confidence & change

Founded: 2005

Program duration: 9 months

Program dates: September - May

Location: Hedensted, Denmark 

Students admitted: 261

Countries represented: 47 

Language: International Sign & written English 

Price: DKK 84.000 

Upfront payment: DKK 12.000 

Monthly payments: DKK 9.000 



We believe in the idea of collaborative learning, and we strive to create a safe, informal learning environment where we encourage students to engage in each other’s learning process by sharing experiences, capitalizing one another’s resources and skills and being accountable to each other. You dare to play with different ideas and dare to fail as it is the failures we learn about. Frontrunners classroom is the place where respect to the diversity is highly valued, and you can discuss and disagree with respect to the diversity and curiosity for different backgrounds. 

We equip you with theoretical and practical deaf-led knowledge combined with your individual abilities, skills, and desires. You will be able to act as a catalyst for a social change you want to see in your national deaf community. You build your personal deaf resilience and get tools for the future private and professional life. 




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  • Are not included in the timeline: week-end trips, study trip, film & events projects.

  • Classes usually take place from Monday to Friday but there may occasionally be classes/teaching trips at weekends. You will be informed beforehand.

  • Program fees (84.000 DKK) include lessons / workshops from teachers and guest teachers, accomodation and meals from September to May*, evening activities, trips organized by Frontrunners education team, unlimited access to the fitness room and outdoor facilities. 


*We don’t cover food expenses during holidays season and the personal project. However, you can stay at Castberggård during the holidays season but not in the personal project period. 



Castberggård - Østerskovvej 1, 8722 Hedensted, Denmark

   © 2024 Frontrunners 

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